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What is “Normal” Grieving After the Loss of a Pet?

HomeYadkin Valley Pet Funeral Services Blog, Elkin, NCWhat is “Normal” Grieving After the Loss of a Pet?

At Yadkin Valley Pet Funeral Services, we know the bond between pet owners and their animals is strong, and the loss of a pet is painful. We want to support people who have lost a pet and reassure them that there is no “normal” way to grieve during your personal journey of loss.

What is “Normal” Grieving After the Loss of a Pet?

  • The Path of Grief. Some people may go through steps of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance, but not necessarily in that order. It is important to let yourself feel each feeling as it comes up and know that the way you are grieving is okay.
  • Ask for Help. We recommend getting help from family, friends, or support groups. It can be helpful to talk about the good times you had with your pet while remembering them. We also offer services to give you a respectful way to honor their life and their love.
  • Methods of Healing. Making a memorial that will last or planting a tree in their honor can bring peace and a sense of permanency. We also recommend that you write down your thoughts about your pet or do things that make you think of how much joy they brought into your life.
  • Get Help from Professionals. If your sadness is overwhelming or gets in the way of your daily life, you might benefit from professional help. Grief counselors can help you deal with your feelings and support you while you are grieving the loss of a pet.
  • Take Your Time. Processing and healing from the loss of a pet takes time. Finding a way to remember them while letting yourself move on is important. We are here to help you through this tough time. We offer compassionate care and services to remember your pet’s life.

When dealing with the loss of a pet, remember that your feelings are normal and there is help available to get you through this difficult time. Your pet was an important part of your family, and you should honor their memory in a way that makes you feel good. For information about our memorials and funeral services, contact us.